
2014.03.21 One Third Keeps You Guessing

Talented comedian, novelist and filmmaker Hiroshi Shinagawa has made the well-received movies Drop (2009) and Manzai Gang (2011). Now he changes the pace for a dark, fast-paced caper pic that keeps you guessing. One Third is a thriller with innumerable turns and blind alleys.


Told with frequent flashbacks after three men have pulled off a bank heist, this flick is constantly changing viewpoints, changing time frames and changing who is scamming whom. One could view the project as an extended homage to Quentin Tarantino, who is mentioned many times in the story, in addition to numerous cinematic references to his work.


It starts with Maria (Mika Nakashima), a hostess at a men’s club, explaining that one of three bank robbers has killed her. She goes on to set the scene, based around her club Honey Bunny. There is the manager Shuzo (Tatsuya Fujiwara), who owes a large amount of money; the waiter and martial arts expert Koji (Koki Tanaka); and the fat, greasy restaurant chain owner Ken (Ryuichi Kosugi). The three have just knocked off the bank and are holed up in the club with police apparently outside.


As we flashback to numerous points in the past the heist takes on different complexions, shapes and tones. Numerous underworld bosses, thugs and underlings are introduced who all have an affect on the robbery. Simultaneously the plot progresses in the present as the three men must split the money and make their getaway, or so it seems.


This reimaging of the caper pic employs clever cinematography, use of time and plentiful plot twists to keep the audience guessing until the very end.



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