
2014.03.22 “Chura-ii” Girls Up! Stage Producer Ayako Nagaya On Japan’s Regional Appeal

The Okinawa International Movie Festival has always been about much more than just movies, providing a variety of entertainment for the people of Okinawa, including our regular fashion catwalk events featuring some of Japan’s most famous models.


This year models from the Taiwanese TV Program “Power of New Fashion” joined the runway, followed by a collaborative performance with “Asobi System.”
Read the Event Report here.


Ayako Nagaya, the producer of the show and formerly the producer of Tokyo Girls Collection for seven years, gave an interview to international media BLOUIN ARTINFO Japan, discussing her career and plans for the future.


Tokyo Girls Collection is a very fashion-oriented event made for customers, while traditional fashion-themed events are always the collection shows for the press and for buyers. Tokyo Girls Collection presents the actual products for the end users that they can even buy just after watching the show. Plus, it has the entertainment element, which makes Tokyo Girls Collection so unique,” she told the media, a model she has continued at the movie festival where the catwalk feature between music and comedy shows.


“As one of the other unique things about Japan, we have multiple locations that are pretty urbanized. What you get in Tokyo is also available in Osaka, Sapporo, Nagoya, and Fukuoka. Most of the other countries in the world have only a few real urban cities, and all the other areas are suburbs and rural towns. I suppose that lots more Japanese cities can be really attractive gateways for foreign people. If we could utilize unique events that only Japan has, I think Japan will gain more interest from abroad.”

Read the full interview here: INTERVIEW: Ayako Nagatani on the Future of Japanese Fashion Shows


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