Laugh&Peace Town

From the 5th Festival, we changed the previously named “Content Land” to “Laugh&Peace Town”, with visitors being able to “participate and experience!” as residents of the town, and nearly 1 million people visited.

With the 6th Festival, in addition to booth exhibits and PR performances, we have developed a new feature whereby people can compete in activities, music and games with Yoshimoto performers with professional-level skills and hobbies, with the aim of creating spaces where “patrons can participate and share together”.

Also, as patrons move around the various booths, they will be challenged with “riddles”, and if they are able to complete all of the riddles they can participate in the “Riddle Rally” where they could win raffle prizes.

Further, in the 800 seat “Laugh&Peace Town Theater”, we will not only feature PR from our sponsors, but have also planned live broadcasts, program tapings, and live music.

For our 6th Festival, we will also establish new “Mini Stages”, where under the heading of “Okinawa Culture Smile Club” patrons and Yoshimoto performers will be able to laugh together, have fun together, and enjoy useful workshops such as “Become popular with COWCOW’s no surprise exercise”, “Become popular with Robert Akiyama’s physical imitations” and “Baby sign language lessons with Taketo’”.

  • Laugh&Peace Town
  • Laugh&Peace Town
  • Laugh&Peace Town

Venue, Period

Okinawa Convention Center Exhibition Hall
Mar 21 (Fri/Holiday) ~ 24 (Mon), 2014
Opening Hours 21st: 5PM – 7;30PM; 22nd & 23rd: 10AM – 7:30PM; 24th: 10AM – 6PM

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