Open Air Screen

As at the 4th and 5th festivals, the world-largest mobile open-air screen “Cine Screen 400”, which has again been transported from Switzerland, is set up at the Beach Stage venue in Ginowan.
The movie to be shown on this gigantic screen (26.65m in width×14.76m in height), which can be viewed by a maximum of 8,000 people, is “Gravity”, which instantly became a major hit by arousing movie fans’ interest with its pictures full of realistic feelings as soon as it was released at the end of last year. It is a suspense masterpiece full of immediacy, in which outer space is replicated with latest technologies. Additionally, “Jamaica Diary – An Unbelievable True Story”, closely covering nine years of the life of the Okinawa-born reggae dancer I-VAN, is screened.
Relish an extraordinary movie experience in the overwhelming scale and the sense of openness and freedom under the star-studded sky.

Open Air Screen Works

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