A project of collaborated movies between TV stations and Yoshimoto Kogyo was started at the 2nd Okinawa International Movie Festival, leading to the production of a number of ambitious films not shackled by the conventional frame of "movies". At the past events, some cinematic gems such as "Miss Kurosawa Film", which received both the Laugh-category Grand Prize for the Uminchu Award and the Special Recognition Award, emerged.

At the 6th festival, these collaborated movies will be categorized independently as "TV Director's Movie", in order to encourage the production of even more ambitious films and feature them.

Also, this new category is run in cooperation with the AEON Group, and entries in this category are expected to be screened at AEON cinemas nationwide after their screening at the Movie Festival.

Yoshimoto Kogyo, TV stations, and the AEON Group all collaborate in "production", "distribution", and "screening", enabling the seamless distribution of films to the audience. This will surely become a program that cannot be missed as a new trend of the film industry.


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