From Kotaro Isaka, the popular and talented author who continues to develop original worlds such as those in "A Pierrot," "The Foreign Duck, the Native Duck and God in a Coin Locker," "A Memory," and others, comes the movie adaptation of a novel by the same name. Yukio (Masaki Okada), a high school student, has 4 fathers. Yukio and the 4 fathers, who continue to lead a strange life together, get wrapped up in an incident... Yukio is imprisoned...!
Faced with a desperate situation, in an effort to rescue their beloved son, what actions do the 4 fathers take!? Incidents occur one after another! Everyone who watches this film will be wrapped up in laughter and emotion! This film is a suspense comedy.
①Original story by well-known writer Kotaro Isaka! (500,000
books sold)
②Starring popular actor “Masaki Okada”, featuring appearances from Shiori Kutsuna, Shiro Sano, Masahiko Kawahara, Daisuke Miyagawa and Jun Murakami
③A moving and exquisitely woven story of laughter and suspense!
④Theme Song: “Life” by Suga Shikao
Masaki Okada, Shiori Kutsuna, Shiro Sano, Masahiko Kawahara, Daisuke Miyagawa, Jun Murakami, Akira Emoto, Kento Kaku, Taro Suruga,